an improved pole and knife method of harvesting oil palm

an improved pole and knife method of harvesting oil palm

an improved pole and knife method of harvesting oil palm
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  • an improved pole and knife method of harvesting oil palm manufacturer
  • an improved pole and knife method of harvesting oil palm manufacturer
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Search - Obafemi Awolowo University

A modified pole-and-and-knife (MPK) method of harvesting oil palms was designed and fabricated. The method was tested along with two existing methods, namely the bamboo pole-and-knife (BPK) and the single rope-and-cutlass ...

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A modified pole-and-and-knife (MPK) method of harvesting oil palms was designed and fabricated. The method was tested along with two existing methods, namely the bamboo pole-and-knife (BPK) and the single rope-and-cutlass ...

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palm oil industry going high tech to boost output - bloomberg

Palm Oil Industry Going High Tech to Boost Output - Bloomberg

Pound for pound, palm oil has a huge edge over alternatives squeezed out of canola, soybeans or sunflowers. About $1.2 billion of oil may be left in the field this year.

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sustainable oil palm farming / harvesting - akvopedia

Sustainable Oil Palm Farming / Harvesting - Akvopedia

The material from Harvesting is sourced from Smallholder Oil Palm Handbook and put together by Lotte Suzanne Woittiez (Wageningen Universit) and Haryono Sadikin, Sri Turhina, Hidayat Dani, Tri Purba Dukan, and Hans Smit in August 2016. See Module 2: Harvesting, Grading, Transport for more information.

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growing oil palms (palm oil) for beginners | asia farming

Growing Oil Palms (Palm Oil) For Beginners | Asia Farming

Harvesting in Growing Oil Palms:-Fruits which are ready to be harvested become loose on the bunch, a sharp knife or chisel attached to a long bamboo stick or pole may be used for oil palm fruit picking. Make sure to leave a stalk length of 5 cm alone while harvesting the fruits. The usual frequency of oil palm harvesting is about 10 to 11 days.

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tongs corporation general hardware

Tongs Corporation General Hardware

Harvesting Tools: This includes harvesting pole, sickle, harvesting chisel and necessary accessories. We have durable, cost effective and user-friendly products that enable swift transition from the basic and traditional methods, found in many oil palm producing nations, to modern cultivation that integrates advanced technology, progressive

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ripening, harvesting, and transport of oil palm bunches

Ripening, Harvesting, and Transport of Oil Palm Bunches

This chapter discusses the changes occurring in bunches as they mature, the criteria used to determine when fruit bunches should be harvested, the tools and methods used in harvesting, and the subsequent collection and transport of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) to the palm oil mill. The main harvest from the oil palm consists of fresh fruit bunches ...

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modern oil palm cultivation - food and agriculture


MODERN OIL PALM CULTIVATION. A modern oil palm plantation needs a grower who has learned how to cultivate oil palms. Growing selected oil palms is not just a matter of picking the fruit; it is a modern crop. The grower must learn how to do his work well. The grower should ask for advice, so that he learns to do better and better.

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an improved pole-and-knife method of harvesting oil palms

An Improved Pole-and-Knife Method of Harvesting Oil Palms

CiteSeerX Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): A modified pole-and-and-knife (MPK) method of harvesting oil palms was designed and fabricated. The method was tested along with two existing methods, namely the bamboo pole-and-knife (BPK) and the single rope-and-cutlass (SRC) methods. Test results showed that the MPK method was superior to the other methods

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an improved pole-and-knife method of harvesting oil

An Improved Pole-and-Knife Method of Harvesting Oil

An Improved Pole-and-Knife Method of Harvesting Oil Palms A modified pole-and-and-knife (MPK) method of harvesting oil palms was designed and fabricated. The method was tested along with two existing methods, namely the bamboo pole-and-knife (BPK) and the single rope-and-cutlass (SRC) methods.

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time and motion studies of manual harvesting methods

Time and motion studies of manual harvesting methods

title = "Time and motion studies of manual harvesting methods for oil palm fruit bunches: A Malaysian case study", abstract = "In optimizing the yield of oil palm fruit bunches collection, the mechanization of the collection process is very important.

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field evaluation of harvesting machines for tall oil


The mechanical harvesting of oil palm fresh fruit had developed an improved harvesting pole made of light aluminium alloy that had better strength and durability, thus making it easy to handle

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dare adetan b.eng.,,ph.d obafemi awolowo

Dare ADETAN B.Eng., M.Sc.,Ph.D Obafemi Awolowo

A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text.

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oil palm by product: how to compute its cost of production

Oil Palm by Product: How to Compute Its Cost of Production

The company which involve in the oil palm industry should now and aware that there are problem to compute oil palm by product periodically. The product of oil palm is crude palm oil (CPO) as the main product, while palm kernel (PK) as its by product. CPO as the main product has bigger amount of production cost, and lower cost for PK. Mostly

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modern oil palm cultivation food and agriculture


MODERN OIL PALM CULTIVATION. A modern oil palm plantation needs a grower who has learned how to cultivate oil palms. Growing selected oil palms is not just a matter of picking the fruit; it is a modern crop. The grower must learn how to do his work well. The grower should ask for advice, so that he learns to do better and better.

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how it's made palm oil

How It's Made Palm Oil

16.08.2016· How It's Made Palm Oil #HowItsMade. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

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palm oil industry going high tech to boost output

Palm Oil Industry Going High Tech to Boost Output

08.06.2017· Unlike soybeans or rapeseed -- waist-high row crops grown on flat fields suitable for tractors and giant harvesting machines -- cultivation of palms is tricky on the sometimes hilly plantations in

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palm oil

Palm oil

Palm oil, like all fats, is composed of fatty acids, esterified with glycerol. Palm oil has an especially high concentration of saturated fat, specifically the 16-carbon saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid, to which it gives its name. Monounsaturated oleic acid is also a major constituent of palm oil.

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harvesting & post-harvest processing

Harvesting & Post-harvest processing

Harvesting and Post-harvest ; Processing Cocoa For pods high on the tree, a pruning hook type of tool can be used, with a handle on the end of a long pole. By pushing or pulling according to the position of the fruit, the upper and lower blades of the tool enable the stalk to be cut cleanly without damaging the branch that bears it.

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this is how palm oil is made treehugger

This is how palm oil is made TreeHugger

Palm oil is found in nearly everything, yet have you ever wondered who makes it? how it's processed? what palm fruit looks like? Take a tour through a Honduran palm oil plantation to learn more.

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harvesting & handling university of florida

Harvesting & Handling University of Florida

& disposing at the packinghouse (improved sanitation) ssisted Harvesting hemicals, ladders, platforms, picking baskets, knives, etc. Figure courtesy of Steve Sargent Types of Harvesting echanical Harvesting ostly for dried (e.g. nuts) or processed produce

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reducci贸n de la carga en espalda baja con una herramienta

Reducci贸n de la carga en espalda baja con una herramienta

tool for harvesting oil palm bunches The tool varies depending on the shape of the knife blade, the Malaysian knife is a sickle used for pal m over 4 m in height and the Malaysian pole is a chisel used for palm of less than 4 m tall. Advances have been made in this field, but have prioritized enhancing productivity over the health of the user. Accordingly, the use of motorized tools has

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threats to biodiversity boundless biology

Threats to Biodiversity Boundless Biology

The forests are being removed for their timber, and to clear space for plantations of palm oil, an oil used in Europe for many items including food products, cosmetics, and biodiesel. A five-year estimate of global forest cover loss for the years 2000005 was 3.1 percent.

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nutritional imbalance in smallholder oil palm plantations

Nutritional imbalance in smallholder oil palm plantations

In Indonesia more than 40% of the area under oil palm is owned by smallholders. The productivity in smallholder plantations is usually less than in large plantations, and limited fertiliser applications may be one of the key reasons. We investigated the use of fertilisers by > 300 smallholder farmers in Sumatra and Kalimantan, some of whom were involved in training programmes aimed at yield

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weapons of silat

Weapons of silat

Another term pedagang (literally meaning trader or merchant) refers to the carrying pole. The pedagang is traditionally made from ruyung, a type of palm wood. The best pedagang are said to come from the Mentawai Islands Regency where the wood is soaked in coconut oil for three years. Staves are usually 5 feet in length and 1.5-2 inches in

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kingoya kingoya website

Kingoya Kingoya Website

Kingoya strong presence and relevance was felt at NATSEM2016 in Kuching, Sarawak (July 2016) where the theme of the event focused on Factors Impacting the Competitiveness of the Palm Oil

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how exactly is cocoa harvested? cocoa producing

How exactly is cocoa harvested? Cocoa Producing

How exactly is cocoa harvested? Pods containing cocoa beans grow from the trunk and branches of the cocoa tree. Harvesting involves removing ripe pods from the trees and opening them to extract the wet beans. Pods are suitable for harvest for 3 to 4 weeks, after which time the beans begin to germinate. It is therefore necessary to harvest at

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kingoya kingoya website

Kingoya Kingoya Website

Kingoya strong presence and relevance was felt at NATSEM2016 in Kuching, Sarawak (July 2016) where the theme of the event focused on Factors Impacting the Competitiveness of the Palm Oil

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harvesting and processing cocoa beans cadbury

Harvesting and Processing Cocoa Beans Cadbury

The harvesting of cocoa pods is very labour-intensive. On West African small-holdings the whole family, together with friends and neighbours help out. Ripe pods are gathered every few weeks during the peak season. The high pods are cut with large knives attached to poles, taking care not to damage nearby flowers or buds. The pods are collected

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growing cassava iita


Select and use improved, healthy, and pest/disease free cassava stems. Cut the stems into several 2-node or 3-node stakes using secateurs, a sharp knife/machete, or a stake cutting machine. Treat the stakes with available insecticides or fungicides by measuring out the quantities into a container, add water and mix thoroughly. For example, 1kg

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small-scale palm oil processing business in nigeria: a

Small-Scale Palm Oil Processing Business in Nigeria: A

the palm oil mills is located in all part of the community and odor of oil palm was perceived even at increased distance which is not so in other oil palm processing communities. Though odor from oil palm processing is difficult to quantify. Hence, this feasibility study on small- scale palm oil processing were conducted in Elele, Rivers State,

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quality of dry ginger (zingiber officinale) by different

Quality of dry ginger (Zingiber officinale) by different

05.09.2012· The essential oil content of sliced ginger, dried under various drying methods was found to increase, as the slice length increased and the maximum retention was obtained in the whole dry rhizomes (Table 1). Among the drying methods, sun dried and solar tunnel dried rhizomes could retain the maximum essential oil content than tray dried samples

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sugar cane industry overview and energy efficiency

Sugar Cane Industry Overview And Energy Efficiency

Sugar Cane Industry Overview . And . Energy Efficiency Considerations . By Eyerusalem Birru . Supervisors: Andrew Martin (Professor) Catharina Erlich (Asst. professor) Literature Survey document (Report no. 01/2016) Updated March 2016 . KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management . Department of Energy Technology . Division of Heat and Power Technology . SE-100 44

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palm oil: good or bad? healthline

Palm Oil: Good or Bad? Healthline

Palm oil is used for cooking and is also added to many ready-to-eat foods in your grocery store. Its taste is considered savory and earthy. Some people describe its flavor as being similar to

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pongamia oil

Pongamia oil

Research has shown that jatropha or pongamia oil can be mixed with palm oil to achieve an improved low-temperature viscosity than pure palm oil and a higher oxidation stability than pure jatropha or pongamia oil. In addition, the methyl esters of pongamia oil have a cloud point of 19 °C, which is outside some country specific standards, and a

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oil palm sickle selangor, harvesting knife supply kuala

Oil Palm Sickle Selangor, Harvesting Knife Supply Kuala

SBL Sin Ban Lee Hardware Sdn Bhd Selangor, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Jenjarom, SBL Sin Ban Lee Hardware Sdn Bhd manufactures and supplies a full range of sickle, chisel, axe and hook for all your plantation requirements. Our office is located in Jenjarom, Selangor, Malaysia.

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tongs corporation general hardware

Tongs Corporation General Hardware

Harvesting Tools: This includes harvesting pole, sickle, harvesting chisel and necessary accessories. We have durable, cost effective and user-friendly products that enable swift transition from the basic and traditional methods, found in many oil palm producing nations, to modern cultivation that integrates advanced technology, progressive

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  • What is a modified pole-and-knife method of harvesting oil palms?
  • A modified pole-and-and-knife (MPK) method of harvesting oil palms was designed and fabricated. The method was tested along with two existing methods, namely the bamboo pole-and-knife (BPK) and the single rope-and-cutlass (SRC) methods.
  • What are the methods of harvesting oil palm?
  • : Summary of results of tests on MPK, BPK and SRC methods of harvesting oil palm. Sketch of the aluminium pole of the MPK method of harvesting the oil palm; 1, malaysian knife; 2, knife carrier; 3, threaded pipes-and-bolt coupling between top and middle sections; 4, curved plate-and-bolt coupling between middle and bottom sections.
  • What is MPK method of harvesting oil palms?
  • Sketch of the aluminium pole of the MPK method of harvesting the oil palm; 1, malaysian knife; 2, knife carrier; 3, threaded pipes-and-bolt coupling between top and middle sections; 4, curved plate-and-bolt coupling between middle and bottom sections. A modified pole-and-and-knife (MPK) method of harvesting oil palms was designed and fabricated.
  • Can aluminium harvesting pole be used to harvest oil palm trees?
  • are much lighter in weight. Because the leng th was variable, the aluminium harvesting pole will be able to conveniently harvest trees on different plots. D. Adetan, L. Adekoya and K. Oladejo. “A n Improved Pole-and-Knife Method of Harvesting the Oil Palm”.
  • Can tarpaulin be used to harvest oil palms?
  • “A n Improved Pole-and-Knife Method of Harvesting the Oil Palm”. Agricultural Engineering Intern ational: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript PM 06 027. Vol. IX. June, 2007. corners. The tarpaulin was tough enough to withstand impact by the bunches while the polythene prevented moisture absorption by the catchment platform. The foam made the
  • Is oil palm a bunch-harvested plant?
  • Ho wever, oil palm harvesting still defies the best attempts at mechanization (Russ, 1998). are shake-catch systems (Futch et al., 2006). Oi l palm defies this method of harvesting, which are hidden in leaf axils in crowns that may be over 12 m above the ground. It is therefore bunch-harvested.