To add: if you think energy companies aren't, themselves, working on making sustainable energy viable, you're an idiot. Problem is, even as difficult and expensive as it is to extrude oil from the Earth now, it's still cheaper and more efficient than sustainable energy. That'll change some day, but not any time soon, I don't think, especially with how natural gas has emerged as a viable ...
Renewable energy technologies have an enormous potential in the United States and that potential can be realized at a reasonable cost. Market research shows that many customers will purchase renewable power even if it costs somewhat more than conv...
Get PriceIsItBullshit: Oil companies traditionally bought up patents to suppress energy sources that would have make fossil fuels redundant many years ago
Get PriceThey only make a few cents of profit per barrel of oil! The federal government taxes 40 cents for every gallon of gas. We can lower gas prices by eliminating the gas tax and GETTING OUT OF THE WAY. Allow way more drilling and shove aside those stupid, big-government liberals who say no to ANWR and Keystone. It's time for a change.
Get PriceDuring the last forty years the Arab- American carbon barons; Western multibillionaires, Russian and Middle East petro tyrants and extreme Islamists have lived high on oil profits. They invest massively in propaganda to delay political action and mislead the public. You will probably have encountered a conspiracy theory claiming that environmentalist groups, the UN, climate researchers and…
Get PriceConspiracy theorists tend to be emotionally invested in their beliefs, meaning that if you contradict them, you might make them angry. And if you offer them evidence that they’re wrong, you ...
Get PriceWhy in the heck would they want to conspire to help folks stay sick and die of a disease which has touched their life? Diabetes is the exact same way. Every one has been touched by this disease. Even personally or a member of their family. If you think the drug companies are keeping us sick, go forth and research new drugs, etc. in your own ...
Get PriceOpinion; Conspiracy theories can be debunked, but it is a delicate art Conspiracy theorists tend to be emotionally invested in their beliefs, meaning that if you contradict them, you might make them angry.
Get PriceHow do you debunk a conspiracy theory?Suppose people think that Israel carried out the 9/11 attacks or that the moon landing was faked. Or that Koch money or Hillary Clinton or Pete Buttigieg was behind the Iowa caucus fiasco, or that the coronavirus comes from a fiendish plot by multinational corporations.Conspiracy theorists tend to be emotionally invested in their beliefs, meaning that if ...
Get PriceOf course, through lobbying, spreading disinformation, and suppression of technology. How can an oil company suppress the technology directly? Here’s the scenario, which can easily be found with a web search of: nimh chevron patent It’s common kno...
Get PriceDo you think the oil companies conspire to suppress alternative forms of energy? I watched a documentary about Nikola Tesla. He was building a tower in Long Island that was to broadcast high frequency electricity around the world in 1906.
Get PriceThe earliest use of the technical term suppressor to refer to firearm noise reduction is in US Patent 4530417, July 23, 1985, "A suppressor for reducing the muzzle blast of firearms or the like". In UK English, silencer is the common term for either a motor vehicle muffler or for a gun silencer.
Get Price10-10-2014· Information about Royal Dutch Shell company buying advanced engine technology patents back in the mid 20th century to suppress it.
Get Price22-4-2008· Does anyone else think auto-manufacturers are in with the oil companies? This was my first conspiracy theory. I built a race car when i was 19 and quickly realized how inefficient and outdated the motors were. Their longevity was a fraction of what they could be,
Get Price9-6-2009· I am doing a research essay on how oil corporations were able to use the 9/11 attacks to their own advantages. I was wondering how they were able to raise it, my professor told me I need specific events on how the oil corporations and the government negotiated to raise the oil prices dramatically. What did the oil companies do to raise the price of oil and gas after 9/11 is pretty much my
Get PriceHow Much Longer Can The Saudis Suppress Oil Prices U.S. Targets 20 Iranian Companies In My guess is they will not want oil prices to be too high. I don't even think that they need this
Get PriceDuring the last forty years the Arab- American carbon barons; Western multibillionaires, Russian and Middle East petro tyrants and extreme Islamists have lived high on oil profits. They invest massively in propaganda to delay political action and mislead the public. You will probably have encountered a conspiracy theory claiming that environmentalist groups, the UN, climate researchers and
Get Price9-6-2009· I am doing a research essay on how oil corporations were able to use the 9/11 attacks to their own advantages. I was wondering how they were able to raise it, my professor told me I need specific events on how the oil corporations and the government negotiated to raise the oil prices dramatically. What did the oil companies do to raise the price of oil and gas after 9/11 is pretty much my
Get PriceTrump wants US companies to tap Syria’s oil, despite experts warning that could be a war crime. Experts say US is not legally capable of seizing control of oil fields in Syria, ‘I am sure
Get PriceWork on new Colorado oil and gas rules hit a bump out of the gate, but state officials say public hearings will start soon on the core of a new law governing the industry -- protecting public
Get Price28-2-2020· The companies often use short-term price increases as an incentive to get people on the road when demand outpaces supply. But they've learned to be careful to suppress surge “Do
Get Price23-1-2017· I think its like the war on drugs. Even if its failing, you can't just fire all the DEA agents and prison guards so you gotta make up a problem. If...
Get PriceOne of those people is Harvard science historian Naomi Oreskes who has studied how oil companies like Exxon Examining the Oil Industry’s Efforts to Suppress the do you see any of those
Get PriceExxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago. A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation.
Get PriceStandard Oil Co. Inc. was an American oil producing, transporting, refining, marketing company.Established in 1870 by John D. Rockefeller and Henry Flagler as a corporation in Ohio, it was the largest oil refiner in the world of its time. Its history as one of the world's first and largest multinational corporations ended in 1911, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in a landmark case, that
Get PriceThe flawed climate gambit against big oil. Amy Harder. Illustration: Rebecca Zisser / Axios. New York City and several California municipalities are suing big oil companies, “If you’re asking me can the legal system do something like that, I don’t know. But do I think it’s right? Absolutely not.”
Get PriceU.S. Department of the Interior And Environmental Lobbyists Conspire To Suppress Science. "It is my belief that the case against Drakes Bay Oyster Company is deceptive and potentially fraudulent. We may never know what the science community would do if a Republican administration did that.
Get PriceAlthough you may not pay a lot of attention to geopolitical goings-on, trouble in the Middle East — especially U.S. tensions with Iran, which, incidentally, is not one of Saudi Arabia's favorite
Get PriceJust 90 companies are accountable for more than 60 percent of greenhouse gases By Dan Drollette Jr,October 27, 2016 There’s a tendency to think that when it comes to climate change, we’re all equally at fault—and if everyone is to blame, then no one is to blame.
Get PriceThe five biggest oil and gas companies, and their industry groups, have spent at least €251m (£217m) lobbying the European Union over climate policies since 2010, research has revealed.
Get PriceI think the superpowers are trying to take controll of the world oilproduction by starting wars that collapse the oil-pact and then buying it cheap so that the oil-rich countries will have to sell
Get PriceI am no historian but I would suppose that Maitland is as good a guide as any. In his Constitutional History he says: "I do not wish you to think that a definite theory to the effect that while legislative power resides in king and parliament, the so-called executive power is in the king alone, was a guiding theory of mediaeval politics.
Get Price11-6-2008· That's incredible! I wonder how much energy it takes to operate the devices to make the salt water burn? I'll have to look around to see if I can find more information on the subject. Thanks for the find! No problem. Its probably the last we will hear of it though. Oil companies probably...
Get PriceSaudi Arabia plans to keep oil exports below 7 million barrels a day next month as OPEC’s biggest producer allocates less crude than customers demand in a
Get PriceOil companies do not set market prices. This how it works. Some oil companies find oil. Some refine the oil. Some find and refine the oil. Other companies focus on marketing the oil. Some refine and market the refined products. The myth of big oil...
Get PriceThe earliest use of the technical term suppressor to refer to firearm noise reduction is in US Patent 4530417, July 23, 1985, "A suppressor for reducing the muzzle blast of firearms or the like". In UK English, silencer is the common term for either a motor vehicle muffler or for a gun silencer.
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