In 2014, we published our Palm Oil Action Plan, a long-term roadmap to achieve a sustainable palm oil supply, which we launched after achieving our milestone of 100% Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Palm coverage in 2013. The Palm Oil Action Plan defines our position and principles for palm oil sustainability, focusing on supplier ...
So far, PZ Cussons said it had achieved over 90% on its key performance indicators (KPIs) within its sustainable palm oil action plan, including traceability and transformation efforts, and it was now focused on achieving 100% traceability and ‘no deforestation, no peat and no exploitation’ NDPE palm oil by the end of 2020.
Get PriceWhat is Nestlé doing to ensure responsible palm oil sourcing? Nestlé is working to increase the proportion of sustainable palm oil that we source. We are committed to 100% responsibly sourced palm oil by 2020 – by ensuring suppliers comply with our Responsible Sourcing Standard (pdf, 2Mb).
Get PriceFerrero Group reaches the goal of 100% certified segregated RSPO sustainable palm fruit oil and goes beyond As of 1st January 2015 Ferrero products are produced with only palm fruit oil that is 100% certified as sustainable and segregated according to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) supply chain, one year ahead of its original target.
Get PriceSustainable Palm Oil As the most widely used vegetable oil in the world, with the highest oil yield per hectare, palm oil is likely to remain a crucial part of food production in the future. As food consumption continues to grow, demand for palm oil is rapidly rising too.
Get PriceNestle SA, where about half the tropical oil it sourced in 2017 was traceable to the plantation, says buying the certified variety is one way of pushing the industry toward a sustainable future and it aims to use 100 percent RSPO certified oil by 2025.
Get PriceAvoiding palm oil all together instead of opting for sustainable palm usage is not the solution to achieving sustainable personal care, as alternatives could carry even more severe results, according to a Croda director.
Get PriceMars is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a non-profit membership organization that promotes the growth and use of sustainable palm oil. Since 2013, we have purchased 100% of our palm oil from RSPO-certified sources through the mass balance program. More recently as of 2025, palm oil for Europe and Australia is RSPO ...
Get PriceWestern Landscape - Liberia Wider Taï Forest Area - Côte d’Ivoire How can we address deforestation, water depletion and other natural resource management issues while improving… Read more. News article. Teaser link. 23 Nov 2017. Europe on its way to achieving 100% sustainable palm oil. European Sustainable Palm Oil (ESPO) Indonesia + 5 more. Palm Oil South East Landscape - Liberia ...
Get PriceEurope imports 69% CSPO for food. European food industry uses 60% CSPO. A new monitoring report by the European Sustainable Palm Oil (ESPO) project shows that there is a growing volume of sustainable palm oil entering the European market. Some 69% of the palm oil imported for food into European refineries was certified sustainable palm
Get PriceESPO works in close collaboration with various national palm oil initiatives on sustainable palm oil and umbrella EU associations. ESPO and all its European partners strive towards the goal of 100% sustainable palm oil in Europe by 2020 and aim to engage
Get Price23-3-2017· Several consumer goods firms have made public commitments to sourcing sustainable palm oil. Unilever, the world’s largest palm oil buyer, wants 100 per cent of its palm oil to be from physically certified sources by 2025 while P&G has committed to a deforestation-free supply chain by 2020 without explicit reference to RSPO certification. Colgate-Palmolive plans to purchase 100 per
Get PricePalm oil can be produced more sustainably and things can change. The Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil or RSPO was formed in 2004 in response to increasing concerns about the impacts palm oil was having on the environment and on society. The RSPO has a production standard that sets best practices producing and sourcing palm oil, and it has the buy-in of most of the global industry.
Get PriceThe Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) aims to transform markets to make sustainable palm oil the norm. Welcome to AskRSPO Find the most commonly asked questions about RSPO.
Get PriceThe Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Board of Governors are pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Beverley Postma, as Chief Executive Officer-Designate with an expected start date of
Get PriceDit is belangrijk omdat de vraag naar duurzame palmolie in Europa kan helpen om ook kleine producenten in Azië, Afrika en Latijns Amerika aan te zetten tot duurzame landbouwpraktijken en om ontbossing tegen te gaan. Volgens het rapport zijn de Europese partijen goed op weg naar de 100
Get PriceThe Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) has filed its response to the EUs “Minimising risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products placed on the EU market. The MPOC, which represents the interests of Malaysian palm oil producers and exporters, is hoping that the European Union will provide a “consultative process that will ensure that legislative and regulatory
Get PriceLawmakers are considering a complete phase out of palm oil in transport fuels by 2021 a proposal which has garnered support from the biggest political groups in the European Parliament ahead
Get Pricebiofuels Despite EU palm oil ban, biofuel problems will continue. Members of the European Parliament have rejected an attempt to phase out support for crop-based biofuels.
Get Price31-3-2020· WWF published its first Palm Oil Buyers' Scorecard in 2009, a time when certified sustainable palm oil was new on the market and was in danger of faltering as initial demand did not meet supply. There was little transparency around corporate use of palm oil.
Get PriceThis has been done in the hope of seeing the energy requirements win out. “As a transport fuel, palm oil is much more efficient than its competition, particularly ethanol and rapeseed oil,” said Yusof Basiron, director general of the Malaysian Palm Oil
Get PriceTo carry out our Environmental Quality Policy, we pledge to: P&G is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil academic experts and other stakeholders to promote consistent industry standards and practices in palm oil sourcing with the aim of achieving
Get PriceCorporate food giant Kellogg’s is moving to import all of their palm oil from sustainable sources before 2025—and it’s all thanks to the work of two young English sisters who were moved to
Get PriceThe British food retailer Iceland said it plans to cut the use of palm oil in its own brand label to make way for oil palm such a thing as 'sustainable' palm oil available
Get Price29-3-2020· Palm oil is literally everywhere in our foods, cosmetics, cleaning products and fuels. It’s a source of huge profits for multinational corporations, while at the same time destroying the livelihoods of smallholders. Displacement of indigenous peoples, deforestation and loss of biodiversity are all consequences of our palm oil
Get PricePushing companies to buy certified sustainable palm oil is one clear way of doing this. There is a growing recognition that even if all the big western manufacturers stopped using palm oil, the
Get PricePalm tree nuts Used in food, cosmetics and as bio-fuel, worldwide demand for palm oil is robust. Indonesia remains as the market leader for exported palm oil. Global sales from palm oil exports by country
Get PriceThis includes 51% as physical sustainable sources (2017: 51%) and 5% in the form of certificates for soy and sugar. The sale of our spreads business during 2025 had a slight downward impact on overall sustainable sourcing performance, given the substantial volume of palm oil
Get PriceOlam achieves second RSPO certification for palm plantations in Gabon New palm traceability dashboard launched, plus third party supplier mill list published Singapore, January 15, 2025 Olam Palm Gabon* (“OPG”) has reached the next milestone in its development of sustainable oil palm plantations, achieving
Get Price29-3-2020· Palm oil is literally everywhere in our foods, cosmetics, cleaning products and fuels. It’s a source of huge profits for multinational corporations, while at the same time destroying the livelihoods of smallholders. Displacement of indigenous peoples, deforestation and loss of biodiversity are all consequences of our palm oil consumption.
Get PricePushing companies to buy certified sustainable palm oil is one clear way of doing this. There is a growing recognition that even if all the big western manufacturers stopped using palm oil, the problems of unsustainable production would not go away.
Get PricePalm tree nuts Used in food, cosmetics and as bio-fuel, worldwide demand for palm oil is robust. Indonesia remains as the market leader for exported palm oil. Global sales from palm oil exports by country totaled an estimated US$30.4 billion in 2025.
Get PricePalm Oil Guide to Candy & Snacks October 2009 Does not contain palm oil: (ORANGUTAN-FRIENDLY)Candy Name Company 100 Grand, incl fun size Nestle Airhead extremes Perfetti Van
Get PriceThe world’s biggest growers of palm oil say they’re stepping up efforts to produce the contentious commodity more sustainably, but consumers are unwilling to pay more for environmentally
Get PriceSince 2005, Ferrero has considerably invested in the sustainability of its palm oil supply chain. Already in 2015, we were one of the first companies to source 100% certified as segregated palm oil. Moving forward, we recognized the need to support projects which go beyond certification to broaden sustainability standards in the industry.
Get PriceIn 2015, as part of a PepsiCo initiative that was committed to sourcing sustainable palm oil, Indofood has now moved to 100% certified sustainable palm oil for PepsiCo snack foods. Its Palm Oil Action Plan Progress Report also details progress made on transparency and traceability in its supply chain.
Get PriceNestlé is already is on its way to achieving zero waste in Europe by 2020. In the supply chain, last year Nestlé achieved its goal of sourcing 100 percent Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Get PricePalm oil is derived from the flesh of the fruit of the oil palm species E. Guineensis. In its virgin form, the oil is bright orange
Get PriceCINCINNATI (AP) — A southwest Ohio prosecutor announced felony indictments Wednesday of nine Greenpeace activists linked to an eye-catching protest at the Procter & Gamble Co. headquarters in downtown Cincinnati. The nine activists were arrested March 4 after protesting the consumer products company's use of palm oil from a supplier Greenpeace says is tied to tropical forest destruction in
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