methods for oil obtaining from oleaginous material in Nigeria

methods for oil obtaining from oleaginous material in Nigeria

methods for oil obtaining from oleaginous material in Nigeria
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the method of extracting oil from highly oleaginous

The method of extracting oil from highly oleaginous

The method of extracting oil from highly oleaginous plant materials, mainly sunflower seeds, including detachment from the Department of shell crushing kernel processing Matki enzyme preparation in quantities of 1 to 2% by weight of dry raw materials at 40 45 o And oil separation by extraction with an aqueous solution of sodium chloride ...

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lipid recovery from oleaginous yeasts: perspectives

Lipid recovery from oleaginous yeasts: Perspectives

Oleaginous yeast biomass conditioning methods used for cell lysis. The cell lysate obtained is used to recover lipids by the liquid-liquid extraction. Removal of non-lipid contaminants is done by washing the solvent extract with aqueous salt solutions. This is generally followed by removal of the organic solvent.

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oleaginous yeasts from ethiopia

Oleaginous yeasts from Ethiopia

Oleaginous microorganisms can produce high amounts of oil (>20 % of their biomass) under suitable cultivation conditions. In this research work 200 samples were collected from soil, plant surfaces (leaves, flowers and fruits), waste oils from traditional oil milling houses and dairy products (cheese, milk and yoghurt) in Ethiopia.

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efficiency of the use of solvents in vegetable oil

Efficiency of the use of solvents in vegetable oil

Efficiency of the use of solvents in vegetable oil extraction at oleaginous crops. ... since the moisture content is the factor that most affects the yield of oil in oleaginous raw material ... using petroleum ether in Soxhlet method was obtained 16.75% average content of soy oil in the evaluated varieties.

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fat and oil processing | chemistry | britannica

Fat and oil processing | chemistry | Britannica

Fat and oil processing, method by which animal and plant substances are prepared for eating by humans.. The oil and fat products used for edible purposes can be divided into two distinct classes: liquid oils, such as olive oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, or sunflower oil; and plastic fats, such as lard, shortening, butter, and margarine.The physical nature of the fatty material is unimportant ...

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a review of methods used for seed oil extraction

A Review of Methods Used for Seed Oil Extraction

A Review of Methods Used for Seed Oil Extraction A.K. Yusuf Department of Chemistry, Al-Qalam University, Katsina, Nigeria . Abstract: Seed oils have found application as food (edible oil), and generally as raw materials for the synthesis of biobased polyols,

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solvent extraction - edible oil processing - wiley online

Solvent Extraction - Edible Oil Processing - Wiley Online

Solvent extraction is the preferred method for the final separation of oil from oleaginous materials containing less than 30% oil by weight. For oleaginous materials with less than 30% oil by weight, such as soybeans, cottonseed, dry process corn germ and rice bran, the material is mechanically and thermally prepared and then sent to the solvent extraction process for oil separation.

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oil extraction - kemper - - major reference works - wiley

Oil Extraction - Kemper - - Major Reference Works - Wiley

Before an oleaginous material is extracted, it must first be carefully prepared for the extraction process. The seed preparation steps include cleaning, drying, size reduction, hull removal, heating/drying, flaking, and extruding. Oil can be extracted from a prepared material by either mechanical extraction or solvent extraction methods.

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methods for oil obtaining from oleaginous materials

Methods for oil obtaining from oleaginous materials

obtaining vegetable oil f rom oleaginous material: chemical extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, steam distillation and mechanical extraction (Fig.1). In recent years, claim for natural and

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actual methods for obtaining vegetable oil

Actual methods for obtaining vegetable oil

Depending on the nature of material and their oil content, various methods can be used for oil extraction from oleaginous material. One of the most usually method for oil extraction is the

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actual methods for obtaining vegetable oil


168 2 Figure 1: Basic methods for oil extraction, [12] The most common method of extracting edible oil from oleaginous material, which has been practiced for thousands of years, is mechanical

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the method of obtaining oil from highly oleaginous

The method of obtaining oil from highly oleaginous

The method of obtaining oil from highly oleaginous vegetable material. C11B1 Production of fats or fatty oils from raw materials (57) Abstract: The invention can be used in the oil industry for the extraction of oil and protein from oilseeds. Essence: olive material after grinding is subjected to vegetableoil processed within 2 to 5 minutes at a humidity of 8-14% and a temperature of 50-60 o

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cn105505427b from the method for oleaginous material

CN105505427B From the method for oleaginous material

A kind of method from oleaginous material extract oil, including he oleaginous material is contacted to obtain the first mixture with the first solvent with the first polarity irst mixture is separated into the first liquid phase and the first solid phase irst solid phase is contacted to obtain the second mixture with the second solvent with the second polarity less than first

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parameters influencing the screw pressing


Oil pressing is a mechanical method for oil extraction from oleaginous materials. For the oil extraction from oilseeds are used generally horizontal screw presses with one or two discharge ends

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wo2011127127a3 extraction with fractionation of oil

WO2011127127A3 Extraction with fractionation of oil

Systems and methods for extracting lipids of varying polarities from oleaginous material. WO2011127127A3 Extraction with fractionation of oil and co-products from oleaginous material Google Patents Extraction with fractionation of oil and co-products from oleaginous material Download PDF Info Publication number WO2011127127A3. WO2011127127A3 PCT/US2011/031353

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the method of extracting oil from highly oleaginous

The method of extracting oil from highly oleaginous

The method of extracting oil from highly oleaginous plant materials, mainly sunflower seeds, including detachment from the Department of shell crushing kernel processing Matki enzyme preparation in quantities of 1 to 2% by weight of dry raw materials at 40 45 o And oil separation by extraction with an aqueous solution of sodium chloride

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obscure yet promising oleaginous yeasts for fuel

Obscure yet Promising Oleaginous Yeasts for Fuel

The lipids produced from oleaginous yeast species have similar composition and energy values to plant and animal oils and, thus, they may offer alternatives to several vegetable oil-based applications with no competition for food resources. They can become ideal bioeconomic feedstocks if grown using low-cost raw waste materials and, thus, have a role in waste management. Recently, a few

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us20110263883a1 extraction with fractionation of oil

US20110263883A1 Extraction With Fractionation of Oil

Systems and methods for extracting lipids of varying polarities from oleaginous material. US20110263883A1 Extraction With Fractionation of Oil and Co-Products from Oleaginous Material Google Patents Extraction With Fractionation of Oil and Co-Products from Oleaginous Material

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biodiesel production

Biodiesel production

Common feedstock used in biodiesel production include yellow grease (recycled vegetable oil), "virgin" vegetable oil, and tallow. Recycled oil is processed to remove impurities from cooking, storage, and handling, such as dirt, charred food, and water. Virgin oils are refined, but not to a food-grade level.

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extraction with fractionation of oil and proteinaceous

Extraction with fractionation of oil and proteinaceous

27.03.2012· Extraction with fractionation of oil and proteinaceous material from oleaginous material existing oil extraction methods for oleaginous materials strictly require almost completely dry feed to improve the yield and quality of the oil extracted. Due to the amount of energy required to heat the algal mass to dry it sufficiently, the algal feed to biofuel process is rendered uneconomical

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method for treating with tannin oleaginous


04.01.1972· The conventional operations carried out in the oil-making process, and which vary in accordance with the nature of the oleaginous material to be treated and in accordance with the traditional working method of any particular plant, are sufficient to ensure the efficiency of the method according to the invention, as evidenced by the tannin

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petroleum refining processes

Petroleum refining processes

Petroleum refining processes are the chemical engineering processes and other facilities used in petroleum refineries (also referred to as oil refineries) to transform crude oil into useful products such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline or petrol, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel oil and fuel oils.

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methods of obtaining freshwater or saltwater algae

Methods of obtaining freshwater or saltwater algae

01.07.2014· Methods for selective extraction and fractionation of algal proteins from an algal biomass or algal culture are disclosed. A method of selective removal of products from an algal biomass provides for

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oleaginous yeasts from ethiopia

Oleaginous yeasts from Ethiopia

Oleaginous microorganisms can produce high amounts of oil (>20 % of their biomass) under suitable cultivation conditions. In this research work 200 samples were collected from soil, plant surfaces (leaves, flowers and fruits), waste oils from traditional oil milling houses and dairy products (cheese, milk and yoghurt) in Ethiopia.

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oleaginous plant definition english

oleaginous plant definition English

n olive oil, where the 尾-sitosterol fraction prevails, the following sterols have been identified: cholesterol (prevalent in animal fats), campesterol, uvaol, stigmasterol, clerosterol, erythrodiol and 尾-sitosterol These compounds serve as natural antioxidants, and they also ascertain the authenticity of the product as the sterolic fraction is different for every type of oleaginous plant

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developing an alternative to palm oil from waste resources

Developing an alternative to palm oil from waste resources

The oil we produce from the yeast Metschnikowia pulcherrima is a suitable palm oil substitute. The feedstock for this process is obtained through an innovative one-step microwave process which depolymerises (breaks down) waste lignocellulosic material (plants biomass) that is used by the yeast. Using waste removes the need for agricultural land

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oleaginous yeast food compositions solazyme, inc.

Oleaginous Yeast Food Compositions Solazyme, Inc.

20.10.2011· The invention provides novel oleaginous yeast biomass, yeast oil, food compositions comprising oleaginous yeast biomass, whole oleaginous yeast cells, and/or yeast oil in combination with one or more edible ingredients, and methods of making such compositions by combining oleaginous yeast biomass or yeast oil with other edible ingredients.

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biodiesel production from oleaginous microorganisms

Biodiesel production from oleaginous microorganisms

However, all these plant oil materials require energy and acreage for sufficient production of oilseed crops. Likewise, animal fat oils need to feed these animals. In spite of the favourable impacts that its commercialization could provide, the economic aspect of biodiesel production has been restricted by the cost of oil raw materials .

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oleaginous plant definition english

oleaginous plant definition English

n olive oil, where the 尾-sitosterol fraction prevails, the following sterols have been identified: cholesterol (prevalent in animal fats), campesterol, uvaol, stigmasterol, clerosterol, erythrodiol and 尾-sitosterol These compounds serve as natural antioxidants, and they also ascertain the authenticity of the product as the sterolic fraction is different for every type of oleaginous plant

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the method of obtaining oil extracts from plant materials

The method of obtaining oil extracts from plant materials

The method of obtaining oil extracts of plant materials, predominantly of aromatic herbs or seeds, including drying of raw materials, grinding, extraction of vegetable oil and the separation of an oil extract from the solid phase, characterized in that the drying is carried out in natural conditions at the height of the layer of raw material is

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the method of extraction of oil and protein product of the

The method of extraction of oil and protein product of the

The invention relates to the oil and fat industry and can be used in the extraction of oil and protein from vegetable oil-bearing materials. The method for extracting oil and protein product of the vegetable oil-bearing materials (ed. St. USSR N 1500240, CL C 11 B 1/10,1989), which consists in measuring Gogo balance with the lipids of 4.9%

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screening of oleaginous yeasts for lipid production using

Screening of oleaginous yeasts for lipid production using

Microbial oil (single cell oil SCO) is regarded as a promising raw material for sustainable production of chemicals and biofuels, due to their similar fatty acid composition to the vegetable oils that are commonly used in industry . The capability of some oleaginous yeasts to accumulate high quantities of lipids offers the potential for

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green solvents and technologies for oil extraction

Green solvents and technologies for oil extraction

Oilseeds are crucial for the nutritional security of the global population. The conventional technology used for oil extraction from oilseeds is by solvent extraction. In solvent extraction, n-hexane is used as a solvent for its attributes such as simple recovery, non-polar nature, low latent heat of vaporization (330 kJ/kg) and high selectivity to solvents.

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expression of inulinase gene in the oleaginous yeast

Expression of inulinase gene in the oleaginous yeast

However, although inulin and inulin-containing materials are low cost raw materials, they are still not directly used as the raw material for single cell oil production because all the wild types of oleaginous microorganisms cannot secrete inulinase (Papanikolaou and Aggelis, 2003; Zhao et al., 2010) .

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comparative analysis of biodiesel produced by acidic

Comparative analysis of biodiesel produced by acidic

03.10.2025· SCOs have been lately considered as subjects for active research, essentially in the light of increasing cost of oil. Oleaginous microorganisms that can accumulate 25%0% of their dry weight as lipids are considered as crude material for biodiesel production (Ratledge and Wynn 2002).

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chapter 5 : processing and refining edible oils

Chapter 5 : Processing and refining edible oils

Rural oil extraction usually occurs near the areas of raw material production. This provides the smallscale processor with access to raw materials, helps to ensure that perishable oil crops are processed quickly, and reduces transport costs. For rural communities and the urban poor, unrefined vegetable oils contribute significantly to the total

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us patent for oleaginous microorganism disruption

US Patent for Oleaginous microorganism disruption

Provided are an oleaginous microorganism disruption process using a supersonic disperser and a method for producing bio-oil using the same. The method for producing bio-oil according to the present invention induces a cell disruption of oleaginous microorganisms without a separate drying process, thereby providing a method for continuously producing bio-oil in an economical and simple manner.

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oleaginous yeast variant, method


The present invention concerns an oleaginous yeast variant of the species Rhodosporidium azoricum characterized by higher biomass yields and intra- cellular lipid accumulation useful for the production of bio-fuels higher, in determined conditions, with respect to the wild type strain of the same species. Furthermore, the invention concerns a method through which said oleaginous yeast variant

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