uganda bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine

uganda bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine

uganda bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine
  • uganda bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine price
  • uganda bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine manufacturer
  • uganda bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine manufacturer
  • uganda bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine manufacturer
cao assessment report complaint regarding ifc’s bidco bev

CAO ASSESSMENT REPORT Complaint regarding IFC’s Bidco Bev

Bidco Uganda currently refines palm oil from crude oil produced by Oil Palm Uganda Ltd (OPUL), a subsidiary of Bidco Uganda. OPUL is responsible for managing the plantations in Kalangala, and for receiving raw produce and initial processing before transporting the produce, by water, to Bidco Uganda’s refinery in Jinja. Bidco

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un, banks and oil palm giants feast on the stolen land

UN, banks and oil palm giants feast on the stolen land

Although nominally independent, OPUL is 90% owned by Bidco Uganda, itself a joint venture between the oil palm giant Wilmar International, Josovina Commodities and Bidco Oil Refineries, a Kenya-based company. Wilmar International holds at least 39% of the shares in OPUL and is providing technical expertise for the project.

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national association of professional environmentalists (ltd).


The current situation in Uganda with palm oil plantations has not been good since it has envisaged Over 3600 hectares of pristine forest were cleared to make way for at least 7000 hectares of palm oil plantations. This is in addition to unprecedented forest degradation through logging to heat the

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furore over ifad support for uganda land grab | www

Furore over IFAD support for Uganda land grab | www

Although nominally independent, OPUL is 90 percent owned by Bidco Uganda, itself a joint venture between the oil palm giant Wilmar International, Josovina Commodities and Bidco Oil Refineries, a Kenya-based company. Wilmar International holds at least 39 percent of the shares in OPUL and is providing technical expertise for the project.

Get Price | un, banks and oil palm giants feast on | UN, banks and oil palm giants feast on

UN, banks and oil palm giants feast on the stolen land of Uganda's dispossessed by Anne van Schaik & Oliver Tickell A small community in Uganda is challenging a UN-backed international oil palm venture that has expropriated small farmers and obliterated an entire forest on a Lake Victoria island to establish a vast plantation. Three years after ...

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infosylva - food and agriculture organization

INFOSYLVA - Food and Agriculture Organization

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish. INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en

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january 2025 – kalungikabuye

January 2025 – kalungikabuye

The Bidco palm oil plantations. When the idea to establish a palm oil project on Bugala Island was first mooted, there were objections from many, especially environmental groups that feared deforestation as palm trees plantations replaced indigenous forests. Currently about 10,000 hectares are planted with palm trees by Oil Palm Uganda Limited ...

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care of our common home: defending commons lands - the

Care of our common home: Defending commons lands - The

“Defending Commons’ Land and ICCAs“, August 2016 CALG Bulletin. Land grabs often stem from speculation and illegal and unethical transfer of lands, small and large. Recent news from REPAM and church-indigenous partnerships to deal with the top priorities of territoriality, including land grabs and mega-projects, and support for cultural life, including church opposition to existing ...

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uganda: bidco oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine

Uganda: BIDCO oil palm plantations at the cost of pristine

BIDCO Oil Refineries Ltd., the largest and fastest growing manufacturer of vegetable oils, fats, margarine, soaps and protein concentrates in East and Central Africa is investing in a multi-million dollar oil palm plantation on Bugala islands in Kalangala. The project is planned to cover 26,500 hectares and produce 140,000 tonnes of palm kernel

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uganda: oil palm plantations archives friends of the

Uganda: Oil palm plantations Archives Friends of the

Wilmar International, one of the largest oilseeds corporations in the world is developing palm oil plantations in biodiverse islands off the coast of Lake Victoria, Uganda. The project is a partnership of Wilmar with the Government of Uganda, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Kenyan oilseeds company Bidco. The first phase of the project was completed in 2011, and

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uganda oil palm in africa

Uganda Oil palm in Africa

10-8-2010· What follows is a brief description of the oil palm issue in Uganda. After reading it, we invite you to send us comments . Oil palm in Uganda In the Ugandan case, the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development has been –and still is- at the forefront in facilitating and supporting foreign investment in

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cao assessment report complaint regarding ifc’s bidco bev

CAO ASSESSMENT REPORT Complaint regarding IFC’s Bidco Bev

Bidco Uganda currently refines palm oil from crude oil produced by Oil Palm Uganda Ltd (OPUL), a subsidiary of Bidco Uganda. OPUL is responsible for managing the plantations in Kalangala, and for receiving raw produce and initial processing before transporting the produce, by water, to Bidco Uganda’s refinery in Jinja. Bidco

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land grabbing for palm oil in uganda friends of the

Land grabbing for palm oil in Uganda Friends of the

Land grabbing for palm oil in Uganda Right: Some of the men and their machines on a newly cleared site of hundreds of acres by the lakeside. This land assumed by locals to be common land and therefore for public use was all of a sudden in the hands of the plantation owner, BIDCO.

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uganda: bidco to boost palm oil production allafrica

Uganda: Bidco to Boost Palm Oil Production allAfrica

BIDCO Uganda Oil Refineries Ltd is to step up its production capacity from the current 450 tonnes to 500 tonnes per day. Uganda: Bidco to Boost Palm Oil Production allAfrica Search

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un, banks and oil palm giants feast on the stolen land

UN, banks and oil palm giants feast on the stolen land

A small community in Uganda is challenging a UN-backed international oil palm venture that has expropriated small farmers and obliterated an entire forest on a Lake Victoria island to establish a vast plantation. Three years after the grab, Friends of the Earth

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kalangala palm oil farmers decry low prices

Kalangala Palm Oil Farmers Decry Low Prices

PALM tree out growers in Kalangala district have decried the low prices paid by BIDCO, the manufactures of palm oil in the area. The farmers claim they had an agreement with BIDCO

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uganda’s 40-year oil palm journey daily monitor

Uganda’s 40-year oil palm journey Daily Monitor

According to Mr Kodey Rao, the managing director of Bidco Uganda Limited, the company has not only injected more than $90 million in the nucleus estate and the Mill in Kalangala and the oil palm

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land grabbing for palm oil in uganda if not us then

Land grabbing for palm oil in Uganda If Not Us Then

The Ugandan Government along with private investors Wilmar International and BIDCO are developing palm oil plantations on pristine islands in Kalangala, Lake Victoria. The project is promoted as bringing development to the islands, but communities who rely

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bidco eyes more land for ugandan palm oil farm

Bidco eyes more land for Ugandan palm oil farm

The palm oil project is a 2003 public-private-partnership between the government of Uganda and Bidco, in which the Kenyan manufacturer was to invest in production in exchange for serviced land.

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oil millers want in on bidco tax incentives the east african

Oil millers want in on Bidco tax incentives The East African

The Bidco Uganda Ltd factory in Jinja. Bidco expects to commence production using crude oil from its palm plantation on the Lake Victoria island of Bugala from mid-2009. This is expected to considerably reduce its production costs as it cuts down on reducing the

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bidco accused of abetting uganda land grabbing :

Bidco accused of abetting Uganda land grabbing :

Bidco accused of abetting Uganda land only invited to a joint venture to invest in the palm oil plantation, it has been reported that Bidco Uganda was actually engaged in

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report: palm oil project hurts land, residents in uganda

Report: Palm Oil Project Hurts Land, Residents in Uganda

The report follows the planting of almost 10,000 hectares of palm oil plantations by BIDCO off the coast of The joint venture resulted in the formation of BIDCO Uganda Limited and Oil Palm

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uganda's farmers battle palm oil goliaths for land

Uganda's farmers battle palm oil Goliaths for land

The palm oil project is being carried out by Oil Palm Uganda, a subsidiary of local food producer Bidco Uganda. Bidco in turn is a joint venture between global palm oil giant Wilmar International -- backed by several European banks and financiers -- and other international partners.

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palm oil plant starts operations new vision group

Palm Oil Plant Starts Operations New Vision Group

THE palm oil processing plant on Lake Victoria Island of Bugala has started operations, and will save Uganda more than $60m on vegetable oil importation.

Get Price un, banks and oil palm giants feast on UN, banks and oil palm giants feast on

However in Uganda, one community is fighting back. Four years ago, an oil palm plantation partly operated by the oil palm giant Wilmar International began on Bugula, a highly biodiverse island on Lake Victoria. Then home to about one hundred small-scale farmers, the project was sold to them with extravagant promises of employment and development.

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land grabbing for palm oil in uganda fact sheet friends

Land grabbing for palm oil in Uganda fact sheet Friends

Wilmar International, one of the largest oilseeds corporations in the world is developing palm oil plantations in biodiverse islands off the coast of Lake Victoria, Uganda. The project is a partnership of Wilmar with the Government of Uganda, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Kenyan oilseeds company Bidco.

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bidco uganda limited (wilmar-bidco jv) linkedin

Bidco Uganda Limited (Wilmar-Bidco JV) LinkedIn

A JV between Wilmar International & Bidco group, Annual TO of USD 250M based in JINJA Uganda. BUL is a major player in East & Central African market & fastest growing company in the categories it operates. BUL is the only company who owns & operates Palm Oil plantation in

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stop land grabbing in uganda earth international

Stop Land Grabbing in Uganda Earth International

Story2tell Mediaproductions was asked by Friends of The earth International to make a short film about landgrabbing in Uganda. We travelled to the Kalangala and Buvuma islands in lake Victoria

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bidco charms farmers into growing more daily nation

Bidco charms farmers into growing more Daily Nation

Bidco charms farmers into growing more soybean, sunflower and oil palm for transportation to Oil Palm Uganda Limited’s crude oil expand oil palms plantations beyond the 3

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imports of cheap crude palm stifle uganda's oilseed

Imports of cheap crude palm stifle Uganda's oilseed

Wilmar and Bidco are partners in Oil Palm Uganda Ltd, the company that in 2003 signed a 25-year concession to develop a 40,000-hectare oil palm estate in Ssese. Of this, 26,500ha was supposed to be a nuclear estate run on the company while smallholder farmers would grow oil palm on the rest.

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un, banks and oil palm giants feast on the stolen land

UN, Banks and Oil Palm Giants Feast on the Stolen Land

A small community in Uganda is challenging a UN-backed international oil palm venture that has expropriated small farmers and obliterated an entire forest on a Lake Victoria island to establish a vast plantation. Three years after the grab, Friends of the Earth groups are backing the islanders legal action, which is launched today. Fighting a []

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barclays and standard chartered picketed in london over

Barclays and Standard Chartered picketed in London over

Bidco owns an oil palm plantation that has deforested 18,000 acres of rainforest in Uganda. Bidco has also grabbed land from over 100 smallholder farmers. The environmental impact of the palm oil

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imports of cheap crude palm stifle uganda’s oilseed

Imports of cheap crude palm stifle Uganda’s oilseed

Wilmar and Bidco are partners in Oil Palm Uganda Ltd, the company that in 2003 signed a 25-year concession to develop a 40,000-hectare oil palm estate in Ssese. Of this, 26,500ha was supposed to be a nuclear estate run on the company while smallholder farmers would grow oil palm on the rest.

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uganda’s eco-feminists are taking on mining

Uganda’s eco-feminists are taking on mining

From oil wells springing up along the Albertine Rift Valley, to forested islands on Lake Victoria razed for oil palm plantations, Uganda’s government is supporting the rapid growth of extractive

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  • Who owns the oil palm project in Bugala Island?
  • The project in Bugala Island in the Kalangala area is carried out by Oil Palm Uganda Limited (OPUL). OPUL is a subsidiary of Bidco Uganda, which holds 90% of its shares. Bidco Uganda is a joint venture formed between Wilmar International, Josovina Commodities and Bidco Oil Refineries, a Kenya-based company.
  • How much money did oil palm farmers make in Uganda?
  • Of this, US$70.38 million was from Oil Palm Uganda Limited (OPUL), US$52 million was a loan from IFAD, a GoU contribution of US$14.14 million, US$5.48 million from Kalangala Oil Palm Growers Trust (KOPGT), farmers’ contribution estimated at US$3.89 million, and US$0.285 million from SNV (the Netherlands Development Organization).
  • Can oil palm plantations be introduced to Uganda's tropical forest islands?
  • The introduction of oil palm to Uganda’s tropical forest islands in Lake Victoria – a review of experiences and proposed next steps. pp5-18, In: Ssemmanda R, Opige MO (eds.), Oil palm plantations in forest landscapes: impacts, aspirations and ways forward in Uganda. Wageningen, the Netherlands: Tropenbos International.
  • Where is palm oil grabbing in Uganda?
  • Land palm oil grabbing for in Uganda Wilmar International, one of the largest oilseeds corporations in the world is developing palm oil plantations in biodiverse islands off the coast of Lake Victoria, Uganda.
  • Why is Uganda interested in palm oil?
  • The Government of Uganda’s interest in the development of palm oil partly originates from the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), and the government’s Vision 2040, National Development Plans, the National Agriculture Policy (NAP), and the Agriculture Sector Strategic Plan (ASSP).
  • Where is oil palm grown in Uganda?
  • The best area for cultivation of oil palm in Uganda was found to be the Lake Victoria islands, notably the Ssese Islands (IFAD, 1997). Since 1998, the Government of Uganda has invested in domestic production and processing of vegetable oils to meet the increasing national demand.