Cameroon In Crisis: West Africa Palm Oil and US, China, Corporate Plantations Cameroon, West Africa, November 2015 - Six environmental and human rights organizations, which include Greenpeace Africa, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), GRAIN, Fern, Oakland Institute and SAVE are calling on Cameroon authorities to stop the repression of environmental human rights defender and farmer ...
Cameroon: Campaigners Oppose Industrial Palm Oil Plantation (December 14, 2012) Up to 45, 000 people are at risk of losing their livelihoods if a large palm oil plantation project in southwestern Cameroon will proceed.
Get PriceCameroon: Campaigners oppose industrial palm oil plantations IRIN News December 14, 2012 Curbing Tanzania's land-grabbing race Orton Kiishweko Inter Press Service December 19, 2012 See Hunger Notes special report Trade and Hunger . 2012 Africa Hunger Notes Home Page
Get PriceCAMEROON: Campaigners oppose industrial palm oil plantation From The Article YAOUNDE, 14 December 2012 (IRIN) - Campaigners opposed to a large palm oil plantation in a rainforest covering part of the Korup National Park in southwestern Cameroon say up to 45,000 people risk losing their livelihoods if the project proceeds.
Get PriceAnother Greenpeace movement concerning the rain forests is discouraging palm oil industries. The movement has been the most active in Indonesia where already 6 million hectares are used for palm oil plantation and has plans for another 4 million hectares by 2015.
Get Price29 Aug 2016: Bidco protestors, angst in East Africa about local oilseeds Bidco fends off protestors over palm oil August 28, 2016 -- Bidco, the Kenya-based vegetable oil producer and manufacturer of detergents and other household items, is not pleased by the protestors who turned up last week in London to highlight the company’s palm oil ...
Get PricePalm Oil Analyticis, 15 April 2016: Traceability problem linked to top palm oil firms - A study by Indonesian NGO coalition Eyes on the Forest (EoF) has identified palm oil sourced from illegal plantation in pro-tected Sumatran forest areas in the supply chain of some of the world’s top palm oil firms, including Wilmar International, Golden ...
Get PriceThis article examines why peasant communities in South West Cameroon have contested a U.S.-based company’s intentions to establish an agro-industrial palm oil plantation in their region.
Get PriceBanks are also being questioned on their role in funding palm oil expansion in Indonesia - notably a financing link to a plantation company caught up in the haze fires was disclosed. Singapore's very middle class population is becoming increasingly sensitized to palm oil on nutrition and air pollution worries.
Get PriceCameroon: Campaigners Oppose Industrial Palm Oil Plantation Up to 45, 000 people are at risk of losing their livelihoods if a large palm oil plantation project in southwestern Cameroon will proceed. SG Sustainble Oils Cameroon (SGSOC), a subsidiary of Herakles Farms, is overseeing the project after signing an agreement with the Cameroonian government in 2009.
Get PriceCampaigners opposed to. Campaigners opposed to a large palm oil plantation in a rainforest covering part of the Korup National Park in southwestern Cameroon say up to 45,000 people risk losing their livelihoods if the project proceeds.
Get PriceCampaigners opposed to a large palm oil plantation in a rainforest covering part of the Korup National Park in southwestern Cameroon say up to 45,000 people risk losing their livelihoods if the
Get PriceCampaigners opposed to a large palm oil plantation in a rainforest covering part of the Korup National Park in southwestern Cameroon say up to 45,000 people risk losing their livelihoods if the project proceeds.
Get PriceYAOUNDE, 14 December 2012 (IRIN) Campaigners opposed to a large palm oil plantation in a rainforest covering part of the Korup National Park in southwestern Cameroon say up to 45,000 people risk losing their livelihoods if the project proceeds.
Get PricePalm oil, like all fats, is composed of fatty acids, esterified with glycerol.Palm oil has an especially high concentration of saturated fat, specifically the 16-carbon saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid, to which it gives its name.Monounsaturated oleic acid is also a major constituent of palm oil. Unrefined palm oil
Get PriceCampaigners will continue their protest against a large palm oil plantation which is threatening a rainforest in southwest Cameroon, as well as the livelihoods of thousands of people living in the area. This is the announcement made by Nasako Besingi, director of the local NGO ‘Struggle to Economize the Future’, in an interview published today by Inter Press Service. In 2009, SG
Get PriceEngineers and scientists are working to produce the first yeast-based alternative to palm oil on an industrial scale, which could help avoid the environmental devastation often caused by the
Get PriceIn 1974, the state owned palm oil company PTPN XIII collaborated with police and the military to pressurize the Pompang tribe to release their indigenous lands for oil palm plantations. If the tribe had have rejected this proposal they would have been accused of rejecting the governments program and obstructing development (Sirait, 2009).
Get PricePalm oil company destroys 7,000 ha of rainforest in Peru. “Those planning to raze the forest for industrial oil palm plantations Campaigners have linked palm oil
Get Price“What is so wrong about cutting some of our forests to develop industrial areas, Friends of Earth and other anti-palm oil campaigners that oppose development involving deforestation, Some 35% of Indonesia’s oil palm plantations belong to smallholders.
Get PriceA year ago three Malaysian palm oil producers--Sime Darby, Golden Hope Plantations and Kumpulan Guthrie--merged to form the world's biggest listed palm plantation company in terms of landholdings.
Get PriceJust as palm oil production spread from Malaysia to Indonesia to escape rising land and labor costs, palm oil production is now spreading to parts of Africa, where the crop is native, and Latin America. Demand for palm oil is quickly rising in Asian markets notably India and China where it is used for cooking and industrial processes.
Get PricePhotos reveal destruction of Cameroon rainforest for palm oil by Jeremy Hance on 26 November 2012 Clearing of trees in a concession area of Herakles Farm’s area for a palm oil plantation.
Get PriceInvestigation As the Global Demand for Palm Oil Surges, Indonesia’s Rainforests Are Being Destroyed . Tracts of land are being cleared to make way for palm plantations, releasing vast quantities of CO2 and giving poachers easy access to endangered Helmeted Hornbills.
Get PriceForeign biofuel defeating Bord na Móna sustainability plans Campaigners believe process using palm oil byproducts may be raising carbon emissions
Get PriceHow Protecting Native Forests Cost a Southeast Asian Activist His Life Malaysian activist Bill Kayong fought to save native forest lands from logging and oil palm development. Like a troubling number of environmental campaigners around the world, he paid for it with his life.
Get PriceHow Protecting Native Forests Cost a Southeast Asian Activist His Life Malaysian activist Bill Kayong fought to save native forest lands from logging and oil palm development. Like a troubling number of environmental campaigners around the world, he paid for it with his life.
Get PricePalm oil only grows in some of the world's most biodiverse countries. Indonesia is the largest producer of the ubiquitious oil, with palm oil plantations already spanning more than 6m hectares. Malaysia is the second largest producer, estimated to produce 39% of the world's palm oil.
Get PricePalm oil production is now one of the leading causes of tropical deforestation and the degradation of carbon-rich tropical peatlands, making palm oil a major global driver of human-induced climate change. the expansion of industrial palm oil plantations directly threatens the survival of critically endangered species like the sumatran and
Get PriceThe ongoing expansion of oil palm plantations in the humid tropics, especially in Southeast Asia, is generating considerable concern and debate. Amid industry and environmental campaigners claims, it can be hard to perceive reality. Is oil palm a valuable route to sustainable development or a costly road to environmental ruin?
Get PriceOrangutans fight for survival as thirst for palm oil devastates rainforests This article is more than 6 years old Palm oil plantations are destroying the Sumatran apes' habitat, leaving just 200
Get PriceNigeria plantation owners forum, POFON, oppose plans to allow imports of crude palm oil. POFON is a body of a large plantation and industrial palm oil and rubber producers with Okomu Oil Palm Company Plc, Presco Plc, U.S. increases cost of visa application for Nigerians.
Get PriceHow much palm oil do we need? Author links open overlay panel R.H.V. Corley. Show more. allowing the anti-palm oil campaigners to discredit the industry still further. For example, a detailed review of the literature has shown that the biodiversity in an oil plantation is no greater than that in plantations of other crops, and less than in
Get PriceSupported by state and national governments, palm oil plantations are advancing over the rainforest hills of Sabah, Malaysia, writes Sophie Chao. In their way: the indigenous Murut of Bigor, whose culture, livelihood and very lives are under threat as forests and farms fall to chainsaws and bulldozers, enriching loggers and distant investors beyond the dreams of avarice.
Get PriceCAMEROON: Campaigners oppose industrial palm oil plantation 12/14/2012 IRIN: "The plantation will economically displace approximately 25,000 people and put at risk many others who depend on that land for small-scale food production, hunting, and non-timber forest products.
Get PricePalm Oil is a highly successful flex crop that has become a development engine in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. If the industry-led stakeholder initiative, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is to be believed, there is also a mechanism in place that can
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