statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed
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  • statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed manufacturer
  • statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed manufacturer
statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization. Tunde Folorunsho Adepoju 1* and Abiodun A. Okunola 2. 1 Chemical Engineering Department, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, P.M.B. 1001, Kwara State, Nigeria

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statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization . By Tunde F Adepoju and Okunola A Abiodun. Get PDF (798 KB) Abstract. This work focused on optimization of oil extraction from Sorrel oilseeds using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Based on Box-Behnken design, 17 experimental runs were conducted to investigate the effects of ...

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statistical approach to alcoholysis optimization of sorrel

Statistical Approach to Alcoholysis Optimization of Sorrel

Statistical Approach to Alcoholysis Optimization of Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Seed Oil to Biodiesel and Emission Assessment of Its Blends Article (PDF Available) · September 2012 with 184 Reads

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statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed

Adepoju, T. F. and Abiodun, Okunola A (2013) Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization. and Abiodun, Okunola A (2013) Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization.

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statistical approach to optimization of the

Statistical approach to optimization of the

Statistical approach to optimization of the transesterification reaction from sorrel ( hibiscus sabdariffa ) oil Tunde F. Adepoju a *, Eriola Betiku b , Bamidele O. Solomon b,c , Bello J. Olatunde a ,Emmanuel

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sorrel (hibiscus sabdariffa) seed oil extraction

Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Seed Oil Extraction

Aims: This study was aimed at separating seed oil from sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) oilseeds using application of solvent extraction method. The process was optimized using response surface ...

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personal information: science publishing group

Personal Information: Science Publishing Group

(iv) Tunde Folorunsho Adepoju and Abiodun A. (2013). Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization. . International Journal of Science and Engineering Research. Vol. 4(9), 1373-1384.

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rubber seed oil extraction: effects of solvent polarity

Rubber seed oil extraction: Effects of solvent polarity

Rubber seed oil extraction was carried using n n-hexane and isopropanol.. n-hexane gave the higher oil yield (63.14 wt%) than isopropanol (56.7 wt%).. The quadratic model developed for the oil extraction process had R 2 of 0.9990.. Quality of the oil was affected by choice of solvent used for the extraction.

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statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization . Tunde Folorunsho Adepoju. 1* 2 and Abiodun A. Okunola. 1. Chemical Engineering Department, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, P.M.B. 1001, Kwara State, Nigeria

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statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed

1 1 International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) Volume 4, Issue 9, August, 2013 (ISSN 2229 5518). Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization

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statistical approach to optimization of the

Statistical approach to optimization of the

Statistical approach to optimization of the transesterification reaction from sorrel (hibiscus sabdariffa) oil 2.1 Extraction of Sorrel seed oil Sorrel seeds were collected from Adamawa State, Nigeria. Chaff was separated from the oilseeds by winnowing. The cleaned oilseeds were milled into powder by grinding with plate machine. A 5-liter Soxhlet apparatus and ethanol as solvent were used

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statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization . By Tunde F Adepoju and Okunola A Abiodun. Get PDF (798 KB) Abstract. This work focused on optimization of oil extraction from Sorrel oilseeds using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Based on Box-Behnken design, 17 experimental runs were conducted to investigate the

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statistical approach to oils extraction from sorrel seed

Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed

IJSER is an open access international journal or a large number of high quality and peer reviewed research publishing in all the fields of science, engineering and technology.

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sorrel (hibiscus sabdariffa) seed oil extraction

Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Seed Oil Extraction

Previous studies showed that extraction with organic solvents have been one of the major approaches employed. Some of the recent work on oil extraction using solvent extraction technique include oils from Washingtonia filifera [5], Moringa oleifera [6], bitter seed, pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.), Kalahari melon seed, kenaf and sorrel [7]. Response surface methodology (RSM) is a useful

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sorrel (hibiscus sabdariffa ) seed oil extraction

Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa ) Seed Oil Extraction

Aims: This study was aimed at separating seed oil from Sorrel ( Hibiscus sabdariffa ) oilseeds using application of solvent extraction method. The process was optimized using response surface methodology and the quality of the seed oil was determined. Methodology: Optimization of oil extraction from the oilseeds using response surface

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sorrel (hibiscus sabdariffa) seed oil extraction

Sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Seed Oil Extraction

Aims: This study was aimed at separating seed oil from sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) oilseeds using application of solvent extraction method.The process was optimized using response surface methodology and the quality of the seed oil was determined. Methodology: Optimization of oil extraction from the oilseeds using response surface methodology was carried out.

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extraction techniques of essential oil tnau agritech portal

Extraction techniques of essential oil TNAU Agritech Portal

In the perfume industry, most modern essential oil production is accomplished by extraction, using volatile solvents such as petroleum ether and hexane. The chief advantages of extraction over distillation is that uniform temperature (usually 50° C) can be maintained during the process, As a result, extracted oils have a more natural odor that

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extraction of vegetable oils from ground seeds


Extraction of vegetable oils from ground seeds by percolation techniques 15 2. Experimental methodology For extraction, two installations were used, one of them being a personal design. The first was the Soxhlet extractor and the second is a column type extraction installation, presented in Fig. 1a. The Soxhlet extractor was used in

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the effects of different extraction methods on antioxidant

The Effects of Different Extraction Methods on Antioxidant

2016-08-25· Methods of extraction of seed oils are an effective factor in the properties of oils. Solvent extraction, for example, is deficient in selectivity and needs extreme heat, which could cause the degradation of the desired components . The cold press extraction is the conventional method for oil extraction.

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statistical analysis of the supercritical fluid oil

Statistical Analysis of the Supercritical Fluid Oil

Statistical analysis of the supercritical fluid oil extraction 1839 2. Methodology 2.1 Raw material Grape (Vitis labrusca) from southwest Colombia were used for this work.At the begging, stalks were separated from the seeds and skins at the winery.

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principles of oil extraction united diversity


PRINCIPLES OF OIL EXTRACTION Oil is extracted from a number of fruits, nuts and seeds (Table 1) for use in cooking and soapmaking1 or as an ingredient in other foods such as baked or fried goods. Oil is a valuable product with universal demand, and the possible income from oil extraction

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mustard oil extraction process is important in a number

Mustard Oil Extraction Process is Important in a Number

Mustard oil extraction process is important in a number of ways. The by products can be used to make soap among other items that are crucial for day to day living. The seeds are crushed using some specialized machinery and equipment designed for this purpose. Grinding and distillation are just but two of the common practices that are involved

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oil extraction

Oil Extraction

Oil extraction Practical Action Some seeds (especially groundnuts for example) are conditioned by heating to 80-90oC using a seed scorcher (Figure 2 shows a typical small-scale example a separate heat source is necessary beneath the scorcher). All oil-bearing materials need to have the correct moisture content to maximise the oil yield

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extraction of oil content from oilseeds by accelerated

Extraction of Oil Content from Oilseeds by Accelerated

Extraction of Oil Content from Oilseeds by Accelerated Solvent Extraction Application Update 325 Introduction Oils for foods and cooking are derived from oilseeds like canola, soybeans, corn, flax, cotton, etc. The production of oil from oilseeds is an important business, and agronomists are continuing to investigate ways to improve the oil output of the seeds as well as ways to control the

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mathematical modeling of supercritical fluid extraction


Mathematical Modeling of Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Oil from Canola and Sesame Seeds 161 Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 30, No. 01, pp. 159 166, January March, 2013 Carbon dioxide was fed from a gas tank equipped with a condenser to keep CO2 liquefied. A pump was

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solid-liquid extraction of sorrel calyces with ethanol

Solid-liquid extraction of sorrel calyces with ethanol

calyces with ethanol) was determined for various concentrations of the extract as already described (Olawale, 2012a). Correlation between the two variables was thereafter established for use in subsequent parts of the investigation. 2.2 Extraction of calyces with ethanol Three particle size ranges of sorrel calyces were used

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extraction and characterization of seed oils

Extraction and characterization of seed oils

from the oil from Blighia sapida, the iodine values for other seed oils suggest that they are highly saturated. The iodine value of 89.6 for B. sapida is compa- rable to the literature value of castor oils and olive oils, both of which are non-drying oils. A good drying oil should have iodine value of180andabove.Thus

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seed oils are best for ldl cholesterol: researchers use

Seed oils are best for LDL cholesterol: Researchers use

Suppose both butter and sunflower oil had been tested against olive oil. The statistical approaches of network meta-analysis allowed the team to infer a

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oil extraction optimization and kinetics from moringa

Oil Extraction Optimization and Kinetics from Moringa

Oil Extraction Optimization and Kinetics from Moringa Oleifera (PKM 1) Seeds 373 The experimental design for this study was divided into two major parts. Firstly, preliminary experiments and secondly, the optimisation of oil extraction was carried out using RSM and a second order polynomial model was developed. Central

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solvent extraction method for edible oil processing

Solvent Extraction Method for Edible Oil Processing

solvent extraction Solvent Extraction Method for Edible Oil Solvent extraction is a chemical oil extraction method to process oil out from vegetables, oilseeds and nuts by solvent, and Hexane is the preferred choice. Industrial oil processing for the edible oil generally involves the solvent extraction step which may or may not be preceded by

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process modeling and optimization of sorrel biodiesel

Process modeling and optimization of sorrel biodiesel

Betiku E, Adepoju T, Solomon B (2012) Statistical approach to alcoholysis optimization of sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) seed oil to biodiesel and emission assessment of its blends. Ife J Technol 21(2):20–24. Google Scholar

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vegetable oil

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is used in the production of some pet foods. AAFCO defines vegetable oil, in this context, as the product of vegetable origin obtained by extracting the oil from seeds or fruits which are processed for edible purposes. Fuel

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oilseed an overview sciencedirect topics

Oilseed an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Oil seed crops fit into three distinct categories: the annual or biennial group which includes soybeans, sunflower, groundnuts, and rapeseeds; the perennial tree crops which include coconuts and oil palms; and the third group in which an embryo is a byproduct, including cotton and corn germ. Other oilseeds are of minor importance in world trade, however, they do play a significant role in

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steps in oil and meal processing canola council

Steps in Oil and Meal Processing Canola Council

The seed is expelled twice to extract oil rather than using solvent extraction in a second step, to extract the residual oil. Up to the point of solvent extraction, the process is similar to the traditional pre-process solvent extraction process. However, it excludes the solvent extraction, desolventization, and drying and cooling stages. The resulting meal has higher oil content which can

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study of solid–liquid extraction sciencedirect

Study of solid–liquid extraction ScienceDirect

Grape seeds are a waste by-product obtained after wine or juice making and present a good source of functional compounds, such as polyphenols. Extraction is a very important step for later use of phenolic components. The effect of different temperatures and solid–liquid ratios on the solid–liquid extraction yield of total polyphenols and

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