Funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Good Growth Partnership will work with the governments of Brazil, Indonesia, Liberia and Paraguay, as well as the private sector and civil society organisations to enable lasting, transformative change throughout three key global commodity supply chains: soy, beef and palm oil.
RSPO takes further steps towards a less harmful palm oil sector. The production of palm oil is often accompanied by deforestation, environmental destruction and land grabbing. Local communities and activists who stand up against these problems are often threatened. Now the RSPO has taken significant steps in recent months to tackle these issues. The RSPO (Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil ...
Get PriceWhat is Nestlé doing to ensure responsible palm oil sourcing? Nestlé is working to increase the proportion of sustainable palm oil that we source. We are committed to 100% responsibly sourced palm oil by 2020 – by ensuring suppliers comply with our Responsible Sourcing Standard (pdf, 2Mb).
Get PriceTogether with environmental justice groups from the Global South, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world. We gather and share information about policy and investments that have a direct impact on people and their livelihood, we engage in joint advocacy, we stimulate the dialogue between stakeholders and we promote and support sustainable local alternatives.
Get PriceHeated debates have recently surrounded the palm oil sector in Indonesia and its access to export markets, including the European Union. The issue is crucial for Indonesia as the world’s largest palm oil producer, the largest exporter, and about 16 million jobs depending directly or indirectly on this sector. Palm oil has also become a public issue in many consumer countries. Governments ...
Get PriceTFA is a multistakeholder partnership platform in which partners take voluntary actions, to reduce and ultimately halt the tropical deforestation associated with the sourcing of commodities such as palm oil, soy, beef, and paper and pulp. TFA fosters cross-sectoral collaboration based on a common and ever-deepening understanding of the barriers ...
Get PriceDriving a new approach to sustainable palm oil ... like this are instrumental if we are to achieve the level of systemic change that is necessary across industries and supply chains.” ...
Get Price“As smallholders play a key role in palm oil production, we are working to help them achieve certification and implement sustainable practices. Partnerships like this are instrumental if we are to achieve the level of systemic change that is necessary across industries and supply chains.”
Get PriceFerrero joins NGOs and innovative palm oil suppliers becoming POIG member. Ferrero is extremely pleased to announce that on 17th November 2015 it became a Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) member. In response to Ferrero’s employees’ and consumers’ expectations, our POIG membership represents a further step on our journey to ensure the sustainability of our palm oil supply chain. The POIG ...
Get PriceTogether Towards Inclusive Palm Oil Supply Chains. Solidaridad works together with players throughout the palm oil sector to build sustainable and smallholder inclusive palm oil supply chains. We develop innovative and scalable farmer-first business cases focused on improving agricultural and business practices.
Get PriceTowards Sustainable Palm Oil in Africa Report. Assessing progress by Consumer Goods Forum members towards achieving deforestation-free supply chains Partner. English PDF. Towards responsible and inclusive financing of the palm oil sector Partner.
Get PriceThe palm oil supply chain is long and complex, with the palm oil changing hands many times before it reaches our factories. The fruit is grown on plantations where farmers sell their produce to middle men and agents. They in turn supply it to a mill
Get PriceThe RSPO Theory of Change (ToC), is a roadmap that demonstrates how RSPO will achieve its vision; to make sustainable palm oil the norm. The ToC infographic and supporting narrative outlines the key strategies and activities RSPO will implement, together with the support of members, partners, and other actors, to trigger the transformation of the palm oil sector.
Get PriceA step towards systemic change. like this are instrumental if we are to achieve the level of systemic change that is necessary across industries and supply chains. The partnership with Unilever has demonstrated what a jurisdictional approach to inclusive and sustainable palm oil
Get PriceWe will replace palm oil with alternatives that are better from a nutritional perspective and support the development of certified, sustainable palm oil. We will work towards achieving a traceable supply chain where palm oil is sustainably produced. All palm oil sourced by Orkla shall be produced in accordance with the following principles:
Get PricePepsico, Unilever and Nestlé have been accused of complicity in the destruction of Sumatra’s last tract of rainforest shared by elephants, orangutans, rhinos, and tigers together in one
Get PricePalm Oil Policy (updated 2025) Danone's commitment to cage-free eggs and egg ingredients Animal welfare 2016 position paper (updated in March 2025) Danone's sustainability principles for business partners Danone tax policy 2017 Danone integrity policy
Get PriceSpurred by the expertise acquired by L’Oréal and Transitions, who have been working together over the past five years to build a responsible palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives supply chain, ASD is being launched with the objective of sharing this knowledge and the methodologies developed with other industry members.
Get PriceSpreading sustainable practices throughout the coffee value chain, without excluding any farmer, is a key aim for LDC. To this end, and in collaboration with our sustainability, compliance, legal and coffee origination departments, we introduced LDC’s Coffee Supplier Code of Conduct in our five main origination countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico in 2015.
Get PriceSupply Chain Our Commitment to CITIZENSHIP. 4,700 bunge north . america employees that is helping us map and verify our palm oil supply chain. We are also members of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil of the palm oil we purchased. We continue to work toward achieving
Get PriceFor example, the European Parliament in 2017 issued a resolution to restrict the ability of EU countries to count palm oil-based biodiesel imports toward their renewable 2030 energy targets. This paper describes palm oil value chains in Indonesia at the national level, using value chain analysis and system dynamics modeling.
Get PriceWe are only going to accelerate progress to a forest- positive future by working better together. About Us. About Explore more > Governance & Team Explore more > We work with and support our partners to reduce and ultimately halt tropical deforestation driven by commodity supply chains Moving towards Marrakesh: sustainable palm oil agr...
Get PriceFerrero joins NGOs and innovative palm oil suppliers becoming POIG member. Ferrero is extremely pleased to announce that on 17th November 2015 it became a Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) member. In response to Ferrero’s employees’ and consumers’ expectations, our POIG membership represents a further step on our journey to ensure the sustainability of our palm oil supply chain.
Get PriceWorld Water Day: Three Things to Remember Regarding Your Supply Chain. This World Water Day, businesses worldwide are challenged with making a change — to not only monitor and aim to reduce water use; but on a greater scale, to impact their overall environmental footprint and reach larger goals toward sustainability and a circular economy.
Get PriceIt brings together companies in the cosmetics, home and personal care, and oleochemicals industries to collectively tackle supply chain issues around palm oil. ASD will facilitate the sharing of information, data, constraints, and solutions to achieve a wholescale transformation of the complex palm
Get PriceProgressing on responsible sourcing of coconut oil. Responsible sourcing of coconut oil. In 2025, AAK has identified coconut oil as one of the key raw materials for responsible sourcing together with shea and palm oil. For coconut oil the major risks in the supply chains still had to be identified and no industry-wide sustainability standard
Get PriceFinancing farmers: Can funds for oil palm help save our forests? The dreamer, the progressive and the returnee. Next and how smallholders can capture greater benefits from engaging in palm oil supply chains. Read also Toward responsible and inclusive financing of the palm oil sector.
Get PriceIn terms of the zoo, our audit teams have done a fantastic job in working with our suppliers to inform them of our policy and working to eliminate unsustainable palm oil from our supply chains. This is an ongoing process as well many companies are using the end of 2015 deadline as a goal for 100% sustainable palm oil
Get Price27-3-2020· What is Nestlé doing to ensure palm oil is sourced sustainably? Progress will take time and we are committed to an inclusive approach taking smallholder farmers with us on this journey as we make further progress towards a deforestation free supply chain.
Get PriceTrase is a supply chain transparency platform enables governments & others to better understand the environmental impacts linked to supply chains. palm oil, timber, Three capabilities of the Trase approach together set it apart from other approaches to supply chain mapping:
Get PriceThe Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) opines that any discouraging developments regarding palm oil could be resolved through a clear perspective and
Get Price29-3-2020· WWF promotes sustainable palm oil in major markets and drives consumer awareness of the need for using sustainably produced and sourced palm oil. We work to advance supply chain transparency, traceability and decision support tools.
Get Price31-3-2020· Singapore-based palm oil company Musim Mas is hoping to achieve 100% traceability from its palm oil plantations and smallholders to its palm oil mills by the third quarter of 2020. Producing sustainable palm oil is the top priority for the company, and it says traceability is the bridge to
Get PriceAt the Multi Stakeholder Conference of the Amsterdam Group last week, policy-makers, international companies and civil society came together to address the link between the loss of natural forests and European consumption. The international conference focused on approaches for sustainable and deforestation-free supply chains, through discussing examples from palm oil, soy and cocoa
Get PriceWorking together for sustainable palm oil. 03 Jul 2017 by to be credible and include a transparent tracing/verification mechanism to ensure they are adhered to throughout the supply chain. An inclusive process also matters for various stakeholders to shape and Working jointly towards sustainable palm oil must be part of our common
Get PriceAgri-commodity supply chains • Private sector • Palm oil • RSPO • Forests • Land rights • Indigenous Peoples • Local-indigenous knowledge. Together with environmental justice groups from the Global South, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world.
Get PricePalm oil Progress rePorT s 2025 1 Our goal is to have a supply chain with no deforestation, no peatland development and no exploitation, which we aspire to deliver by the end of 2020 . In 2025, PepsiCo updated its Global Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil and set our implementation plan through the end of 2020 . Building on our 2017 Palm Oil Progress
Get Price3-8-2017· PepsiCo Reports Continued Progress Towards Goal of 100 Percent Sustainable Palm Oil the mill to plantation level across its entire palm oil supply chain, together with reporting on
Get PriceWhat does it mean to “work together for a sustainable future”? For LDC, partnerships are at the core of our sustainability efforts. We believe that by working in collaboration, we achieve the best results, and come up with creative solutions to provide goods to a rapidly growing population, while respecting the health and environmental limitations of our planet.
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